Blue sage is associated with healing, prosperity, and protection. Our blue sage smudge sticks are 4 inches long, making them a great option for a personal smudge ritual as you meditate and bask in its relaxing ambiance.

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Blue Sage Smudge Incense 4″


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Blue sage is known as “grandmother sage” to Native American peoples in the Midwest and Great Plains areas, where it grows in abundance. To the Indigenous peoples who have used it for thousands of years, blue sage represents the elements of air & water. It can bring a cooling, relaxed presence when burned in sacred rituals.

Much like California white sage, blue sage can be used in sage smudge rituals to cleanse negative energies, remove impurities, and clear the mind. Blue sage is also associated with abundance and success, and is often used in prosperity rituals due to its ability to attract money. It is often used as an alternative to white sage smudging due to its milder aroma.

A blue sage smudge ritual can help reduce inflammation, heal ailments, and relax anxious energies. Blue sage also enhances protection and banishes evil spirits. When you smudge with blue sage, its lovely plume of smoke will ground you to the earth and bring about a sense of peace.

Our blue sage smudge incense sticks are 4 inches long, a perfect size for a small smudge ritual. Burn your blue sage during meditation to bring about a peaceful, calm effect.

Additional information

Weight 0.46 oz
Dimensions 4.25 × 1.25 × 1.25 in
Bundle Pieces

1, 2, 4, 8, 18, 60, 100

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